Promoting good relationships that enable people to work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn is at the heart of what we do at Moorcroft Wood. It is a primary aim that every member of our school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are excited to be introducing restorative approaches into our school which will encourage pupils to think about how their behaviour can affect others and further develop their levels of respect, responsibility and honesty. We endeavour to create a community where everyone has the assurance that when things go wrong, we will do everything we can to help put it right.
Restorative practices support a whole school approach that encourages children to develop and maintain successful relationships and build a community based around empathy. All children are encouraged to be aware not only of their own needs but also those of others, and working restoratively teaches pupils that the consequences of their actions have an impact on those around them. Restorative practice gives pupils the skills to manage conflicts, strengthen relationships, and take responsibility by developing empathy and emotional literacy.