Here you will find all the information you need about our school day, see some samples of the amazing work we produce, the weekly homework and spellings set and our fantastic weekly Moorcroft Marvels.
Some important things to start us off this Year...
Don’t forget, should you have any questions about anything to do with your child’s education, you can speak to myself on the door at the start and the end of each day or via the Class Dojo messenger.
Click on the links below to find out more information...
Spring 1 Topics
Foundation Subject | Topic |
Science | Healthy Bodies |
Geography | World War 2 |
History | World War 2 |
Art/ D&T | Sketching - World War 2 |
Music | Happy! |
Computing | Spreadsheets |
Spanish | Exploring a Spanish Town |
PSHE | Keeping Safe |
Foundation Subject | Topic |
Science | Healthy Bodies |
Geography | North America |
History | Shang Dynasty |
Art/ D&T | Blue Abyss |
Music | Happy! |
Computing | Online Safety |
Spanish | Exploring a Spanish Town |
PSHE | Me And My Relationships |