Home Page
A member of the Lighthouse Federation


Welcome to the Year 3 class page!


This year we are lucky to have Mrs Owen working with and helping us to achieve the best we can. 


It is here that I will update our Class Award winners, our weekly spellings lists and the homework that is set every Friday. 


Some important things to remember for our Year 3 children...


  • Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Reading books will be changed every Tuesday.
  • Please can adults try to find time on a daily basis to listen to their children read and complete their reading diary, even if it is just 10 minutes a day. Every little helps!
  • Spellings will be handed out every Friday and then tested on the following Friday.
  • Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due back the following week.


Should you have any questions about anything to do with Year 3 please do not hesitate to contact me via either Class Dojo or the school Facebook page. 


Miss Cantrill 
