Gates will open from 8:30am and classroom doors will be open by 8:40am. Please drop off any siblings along the way to keep to the one way system. You can then exit through the Nursery gate as before. All classroom doors will close at 8:55am so please ensure that the children are in on time so that we are able to start our lessons promptly. Any late arrivals will need to register at the front office.
Key Stage 2 finish at 3:15pm so please enter the school by the Nursery gate at this time. Can we please ask that you keep to the left hand side of the playground (by the steps to the side) to keep the path clear. Once you have collected, follow the one way system back out through the car park to exit. Any children not collected by 3:25pm will be booked into the After-school club. Please call the office to let us know of any issues where possible. Thank you for understanding.
Our P.E. days is now on Thursday. Pupils are to come into school on those days in their PE kits (plain black joggers or shorts, and a plain white T-shirt please). Please ensure earrings are either taken out or covered with plasters.
Can you please ensure that reading diaries are in school everyday. We are currently following Rocket into Reading and this will support us in ensuring that children are moved to the correct planets.
Name, Name, Name!
Please do make sure that all uniform, coats, PE kits, lunch boxes, bottles and book bags are named so that they can be returned. Thank you in advance.