The Importance Of Dialogue
This week we would like to share the importance of having an open dialogue with your child about their life online.
It is important to ask questions and take an interest in what your child enjoys online so they can feel that they can come to you if ever they make a mistake or experience a problem.
An essential part of having this open dialogue is to not judge, even if their behaviour or life online isn’t what you wanted or expected. This ensures that your child feels they can come to you if ever they make a mistake or experience a problem online.
Let your child know that the best way to address any problem they have online, is to tell a trusted adult immediately. For example, this might include someone sending them a friend request or online message; telling them to visit a specific website; or asking them for their personal information.
Reassure them that if anything happens online that they are unsure about, or makes them feel worried or upset, they can come to you or a member of the Moorcroft Wood team for help.
But how do you start these discussions?
After all, it can seem quite daunting starting a conversation with your child on something they know a lot about, but you may not be too familiar with.
Therefore please review the attachment below to provide some guidance and questions to help you start and maintain these conversations.
Should you have any questions about starting these conversations, or concerns about anything that comes out of these conversations, please do not hesitate to speak to either your child’s class teacher or a member of the Moorcroft Wood management team.