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A member of the Lighthouse Federation

Friday 3rd February

For many of us, we see our life online and life in the real world as different, but children are growing up with the internet and for them there isn’t a difference; life online and life in the real world is just… life.

Technology can move at an extraordinarily fast pace and it can be difficult to know how to start talking to your child about what they’re doing online, and who they might be interacting with.

It can also be easy to become overwhelmed with the different technology, the language that children use, the huge number of games and apps which are available, and that your child knows more about them than you.

However it is important you have these conversations so you know how your child is using the internet, and what for.

Talking regularly with your child is the greatest tool to help keep them safe online. Talking regularly and making it part of daily conversation, like you would about their day at school, will help your child feel relaxed. It also means when they do have any worries, they’re more likely to come and speak to you.

To help you get these conversations started, we would recommend the below poster produced by the NSPCC which has some great tips on how to approach these conversation as well as details on where to turn for further advice. You can either view this poster below or download it by clicking on the link.


As ever, should you have any questions about eihter how to start these conversations, or something that comes out of them, please do not hesitate to speak your child’s class teacher.
