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A member of the Lighthouse Federation


SENDCO: Mrs D Wedge

Assistant SENDCO: Mrs A Whitehouse

Learning Mentor: Mrs S Perry

SEND Link governor: Mr S Hughes

Phone number: 01902 495943


Address: Moorcroft Wood Primary School, Bull Lane, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 8NE




Welcome to our SEND area.

Here you will find out how Moorcroft Wood supports your child and how the environment and curriculum is adapted to suit their needs, whilst still being fully included with their peers.

Mrs D Wedge - SENCO

My name is Mrs Wedge, and I have been a SENCO for over 10 years.


I am passionate about supporting children with Special Educational Needs and ensuring that they receive high quality education, regardless of their need. 

Mrs Whitehouse - Assistant SENCO

My name is Mrs Whitehouse and I am the Assistant SENCO and Speech and Language Lead at Moorcroft Wood. I also teach in our small provision 'The Nest'.

Mrs Perry - Learning Mentor

My name is Mrs Perry and I am the Learning Mentor and ELSA at Moorcroft Wood Primary school. I am the Mental Health lead for the school, as well as being the lead for Early Help. My role includes supporting children with behaviour/ anger management through support programmes such as Lego Therapy and Drawing and Talking Therapy.

What do our parents think?


"Brilliant school, children are happy here and very well looked after. Staff always go above and beyond."


"I would like to praise Mrs Perry for her support surrounding X, being there for her when she needed to talk."



Moorcroft SEND Information Report

We are an inclusive school providing support and nurture for all children to thrive and reach their full potential. Every child is made to feel welcome and provided with understanding and patience from staff, leading to success and independence. We seek advice from external professionals and work closely with our teachers and teaching assistants to ensure the correct support is in place for your child.


We have our own base for children with language and social communication difficulties called ‘The Nest’, which children access in the morning but are integrated into their class on the afternoon with support (when possible).

Our Sensory Room


Our sensory room is still in development, but children are enjoying using the quiet space and the calming lights.



"Some of the most wonderful people

are the ones who don't fit into boxes"

- Tori Amos



We understand that having a child with additional needs can be challenging and sometimes isolating so we are always at the end of the phone or available to chat if the need arises.


We also have coffee mornings to give parents the opportunity to share advice and support each other.

Please see Walsall's local area SEND inspection report here:



Please see below some resources to support children with Autism:

Walsall Local Offer:

Please click the link below to see Walsall's SEND Local Offer:


Walsall SEND Local Offer

Sandwell Local Offer:


Please click the link below for the Sandwell SEND Local Offer:


Sandwell SEND Local Offer

Walsall SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service) support for parents who live in Walsall:

Walsall’s SENDIASS service provides free, impartial advice and support to parents of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). This service is also offered directly to young people. It is a confidential service providing information and advice about many areas including: EHCP process, local provision in schools and offers support when things go wrong.




Phone number: 01922 612008


Email address:


Sandwell SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service) support for parents who live in Sandwell:


Sandwell's SENDIASS service provides free, impartial advice and support to parents of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). This service is also offered directly to young people. It is a confidential service providing information and advice about many areas including: EHCP process, local provision in schools and offers support when things go wrong.




Phone number: 0121 289 2566


Email address:




