Reminder: As a school we are once again looking to support the Rotary Club Shoe Box Appeal this year. This will involve collecting items for children who are less fortunate than our own.
Below are suggestions as to which items each year group could bring in to help fill the boxes:
Nursery / Reception - Small teddies / Small toys.
Year 1 - Bouncy balls / Small toys.
Year 2 - Small colouring books / Notebooks.
Year 3 - Small teddies / Dolls.
Year 4 - Pens, pencils and crayons.
Year 5 - Costume jewellery.
Year 6 - Any of the above items.
All items donated will be sent to children who are in need, to put a smile on their faces this Christmas.
If you are able to support the appeal, please send donations into school no later than Tuesday 5th November.
Thanks in advance.