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A member of the Lighthouse Federation


  • Unexplained Absence

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    There have been public cases in the past where schools have been unable to make contact with parents/carers as to why children are off school.


    It has transpired that there have been tragic circumstances around these absences e.g. illness of a parent and a child unable to seek help. Therefore, following the advice of a Senior Inspector for Quality Assurance and Child Protection and so that we know where your child is and that you are safe, our procedure for reporting a child's absence and also for children who have unexplained absences from school, are as follows:

    If your child is not going to be in school please call the office on 01902 495943 or send a text message by replying to our Moorcroft Wood text messages. Please do this before 9:00am. If we have not heard from you by 9:30am we will contact you to gain a reason for your child's absence. If we are unable to contact you, we will call the emergency contact numbers that you have provided.


    If at this point we are still unable to get a response then we will have no other option than to notify the police as your child will then be classed as a 'missing child'.


    We will do everything we can to contact you. I am sure that you will agree that your child's safety is paramount to us all.

  • School Times

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Can parents be aware that school gates open at 8:45am and are locked at 8:55am when registers take place.

    Any children arriving after that should sign in the late book in the office.

    School ends at 3:10pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Years 3,4,5 and 6 finish at 3:15pm

    Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be taken to afterschool club and charged for half a session at £4.00.

  • Reading with your child

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    To further your child's reading success, please continue to read together at home even on the days they have been heard by an adult in school. The more practice, the better!

    Thanks for your support.
